See what HFHGP has been up to this past year
Habitat for Humanity article featured in Plymouth: America's Hometown Magazine May 2024
Check out what's happening lately!
Download our 2023 Spring Newsletter here!
Read more about Habitat for Humanity of Gtr Plymouth's progress and milestones in 2022
All donations received through Jan. 31, 2023 will be doubled!
Spring 2022 Newsletter
Sharing details of an offering of affordable homes by Middleboro Housing Authority. This is *not* a Habitat offering.
Click "Read More" to download the details document.
Take advantage of ReStore One-Day specials and get ** 2 raffle tickets for the price of 1! **
We are very grateful to Danielle for her extensive contributions to Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth as a board member, site committee co-chair, pro bono attorney, advisory council member and construction volunteer., and we congratulater her as well for her inclusion in Rich May’s 2021 Boston Magazine Top Lawyers!

As you do your holiday shopping, don't forget to choose us as your favorite charity at Amazon Smile!
When you shop at smile.amazon.com, or in the Amazon app with AmazonSmile turned on within Settings, you'll find the same products and same low prices as the Amazon you already know - plus, they donate a portion of your purchases to your chosen charity.
You can select us as your AmazonSmile charity by visiting:
Thanks in advance for your generosity!

Sharing some very sad news
It is with deep sadness that we pass along the obituary and announcement of visiting hours and a service for our first homeowner, Bethany Casoni, after her untimely, sudden passing in October.
“Bethany was the proud partner homeowner of the first home built by Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth, Inc., that was completed in 2000. She was committed to provide the home that she shared with her two daughters as they grew into capable adults. She also never missed an opportunity to express her deep appreciation to Habitat’s volunteers for what they did for her and others in the community.
Obituary and calling hours:
Join us to celebrate our amazing volunteers and the ReStore's first anniversary in the new location.
We had to follow attendance restrictions, but above is a link to the video of the two Veterans' Homes Dedication on February 27th. Enjoy!
HFHGP is excited for our 2nd Virtual Cooking Show, just in time for planning your Thanksgiving menu!
When you make a minimum donation of $25, a YouTube link of the Cooking Show will be sent to you, along with the recipe for Butternut Squash Ravioli that will have your family and friends raving! Susannah Locketti, our guest chef and owner of Hippy Pilgrim Garlic Salts and Gourmet Seasonings, will walk you through a DELICIOUS and EASY Butternut Squash Ravioli recipe that would be perfect for your holiday table.
USE THIS SPECIAL LINK TO DONATE: https://givebutter.com/hfhgp_virtual_cooking_november
The Video link and recipe will then be emailed to you.
Each participant will also be entered into a raffle to win a 10-pack of Hippy Pilgrim Garlic Salts. Great for gift giving or stocking in your kitchen!
Watch the video at your leisure and if you wish, feel free to send us an email with how your dish came out. We were lucky to taste this amazing dish during filming and can't wait to hear from you!
Generously Sponsored by Adams Communications
Create your choice of a decorative wooden sign as a holiday gift for someone special, or keep it for your own home. Bernadette from Life Expressions Decor will be giving the instructions on Zoom. Click the link above for details and to register.
Dedication of 863 Long Pond Road
On October 4th, we dedicated the first of the three homes on Long Pond Road, COVID-Style. BEST WISHES Allison, Taylor and Family.
We've been waiting for months, but are finally open in the new location!
Though disappointed that COVID-19 has forced event postponements including our Annual Meeting and open volunteer site work, Doug Ballum was able to present a couple of awards onsite on March 14th.

March 15th Annual Meeting is cancelled due to the spread of COVID-19 virus and the many advisories from Federal, State, and local Public Health agencies, and Habitat International
Hakeem becomes a first-time home buyer
Save the Date for Food Truck Festival
Annual Meeting - All Invited!
So much warmth was felt on Sunday, January 12th at 20 Brentwood Rd., Kingston!
We are thrilled and honored to receive a $5,000 grant from the Massachusetts Bankers Association Charitable Foundation as part of their record-setting year-end community grant season!
Many thanks to our lead partners!
Veterans Group at the Pinehills