Apply for Habitat Homeownership
We do not currently have an application open. Stay tuned for updates!
Who Can Apply for a Habitat home
Families who can demonstrate a severe housing need, whose income is within Habitat guidelines and who are financially qualified are encouraged to apply to purchase a home. At least one adult in the family should live or work in one of the six towns in which we build: Plymouth, Carver, Kingston, Middleboro, Plympton or Lakeville. Families will be chosen without respect to age, sex, sexual preference, disability, race, religion, or national origin.
Our primary qualifications include:
The Ability to Pay – You must meet income guidelines. Habitat serves families whose incomes do not exceed 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). You must demonstrate your ability to pay for an affordable mortgage (through our local partner bank), property tax and insurance. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets the AMI figures based on family size, which are as follows for 2024:
- 1 person: $68,580
- 2 people: $78,360
- 3 people: $88,140
- 4 people: $97,920
- 5 people: $105,780
- 6 people: $113,640
Willingness to Partner with Habitat for Humanity – Each family member over the age of 18 who will be living in the house is required to contribute 250 “sweat equity” hours toward the completion of the home. These hours can be accumulated by working alongside volunteers on construction, landscaping, site clean up, fundraising, at our ReStore and many other tasks. No construction skills are necessary. Construction work generally takes place on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Work in the office or at the ReStore can take place Tuesdays - Fridays.
Housing Need – Applicants need to provide a description of significant need for adequate shelter and affordable housing, which may include one or more of the following:
- Overcrowding – less than 170 square feet of space per person
- High rent – 40% or more of gross family income is spent on housing costs
- Problems with the building – structural defects, water damage, pests, mold, insulation, wiring, lead, asbestos, unsafe neighborhood, lack of egress and storage, need for handicap accessibility
- Number of bedrooms inadequate – dependent on age, number, and gender of persons in household
- Issues with Landlord – inadequate landlord maintenance
- General family housing situations – leasing, tenants at will, renting with subsidy, eviction likely, living with friends or parents, family split up due to lack of housing, homelessness
- Cost burdened -- if you are currently paying more than 30% of your household income on housing costs
How it Works
A selected family, after completing the required “sweat equity” in the construction of their home, will purchase the home at an affordable sales price and receive a 30-year mortgage with below-market interest rate financing by Habitat for Humanity's partner bank. The homeowners will also be responsible for paying for property taxes, insurance, and all home maintenance/upkeep. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth works with a local partner bank to service the mortgages, allowing us to finance future home construction or renovations for other families with housing needs in our service area.
An Equal Opportunity Housing Lender
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth does not discriminate in the selection of applicants on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, ancestry, children, familial status, genetic information, marital status, public assistance recipiency, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran/military status, or any other basis prohibited by law. We are a non-profit organization and we do business in accordance with Federal and Massachusetts Fair Housing and Lending Laws.

Additional Housing Resources
Additional community resources for those seeking affordable housing can be found by browsing the resources listed here.
Many thanks to our lead partners!
Veterans Group at the Pinehills